Updates – July 2012

Welcome to the July 2012 Ivy Lodge Carp Fishery catch reports blog. We hope the blog will interest you and help to keep you up to date with what’s happening on the banks.

All Members please feel free to send us your pictures and catches and we’ll try to add them to the next monthly reports blog. As well as your reports we’ll be contributing our own catches from sessions too.

Please send your reports in an email to ivylodgecarpfishery@yahoo.co.uk with the email subject “Pictures” and add your pictures as JPEG attachments. We’ll do the rest…..

Well done to all those who had fantastic catches throughout July. The weather has not been on our side with more rain than usual however this did not stop the Ivy Lodge carp feeding!

Andy Dirom with a 5lb fully scaled mirror

Another Great Catch

Well done Chloe McCaughey with her first surface caught carp of 3lb.

Tim Murphy with a 9lb common caught on a pop up boilie.

Ivy Lodge Updates
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