Updates For January – February 2016
Welcome to the Updates For January – February 2015 – Ivy Lodge Carp Fishery catch reports and updates blog. We hope the blog will interest you and help to keep you up to date with what’s happening on the banks.
All Members please feel free to send us your pictures and catch reports and we’ll try to add them to the next monthly reports blog. As well as your reports we’ll be contributing our own catches from sessions too.
Please send your reports in an email to ivylodgecarpfishery@yahoo.co.uk with the email subject “Pictures” and add your pictures as JPEG attachments. We’ll do the rest…..
What a wild winter we have had if it’s not a storm it has been bloody freezing. This extreme mix of weather we have had this winter can have a huge effect on the fish moving them about the lake a lot more with the wind constantly changing direction and moving the food supply. The up and down temperatures can also cause a lot of stress on the fish which can affect and constantly change their feeding habits and diet which can make sport very varied from day to day. Thankfully it hasn’t had too much of an effect so far and sport has been good this winter considering the conditions. With it being so mild the water temperature has remained quite high and we have avoided being completely froze for any length of time, we have had January tench and everything this year on more than one occasion which goes to show just how mild and messed up the weather has been.
Despite the cold miserable weather work continues as normal at the fishery (I did try phoning in sick lol) with more improvements to swims and lots of trimming back and tidying up ready for the new season. We also drained the stock pond and transferred around 30 fish up to 2lb into the main lake there were some nice Koi and Ghosties (see pics below) among them which will be lovely fish when they get a bit bigger.
All membership should now be paid and we would like to welcome all members old and new to Ivy lodge this year and remind all members to read over the rules we gave you when you renewed your membership unfortunately we seem to need a huge amount of rules for a small percentage of anglers who think they know better. I have seen it all over the past few years and heard all the excuses, rigs still seem to cause the most problems and it always seems to be those that should know better that use the wrong things if you are not sure about a rig or set up please ask me rather than risk getting banned. At the end of the day our rules are all common sense and in place to protect the fish, the fishery and the anglers using it which is the most important factor. You may not like or agree with our rules but if you wish to fish here please abide by them.
Please remember your rod licence ran out at the end of 2015 so please renew it before fishing in 2016.
Chloe With Her First Fish Of The Year
Mark Prigent With Lovely Common
John Baird 9lb Common
Keith Copeland With 7lb Common
Chris Moffett With A Nice Common
New Fish Being Transferred From The Stock Pond To The Lake
The Stamp Of Fish Recently Removed From The Stock Pond To The Lake
A Lovely Marked Koi From The Stock Pond
Job Done, Fill Her Up!
Work Continues Despite The Rain
Suzie Helps With Digging
Suzie Watching For Signs Of Feeding Fish
Spring Has Arrived At Ivy Lodge!