
Summer 2020 Ivy Lodge Carp Fishery Northern Ireland UPDATE

Welcome to the Updates For Summer 2020 – Ivy Lodge Carp Fishery Northern Ireland catch reports and updates blog. We hope the blog will interest you and help to keep you up to date with what’s happening on the banks.
All Members please feel free to send us your pictures and catch reports and we’ll try to add them to the next monthly reports blog. As well as your reports we’ll be contributing our own catches from sessions too.
Please send your reports in an email to with the email subject “Pictures” and add your pictures as JPEG attachments. We’ll do the rest…..

Hi folks it’s been a while lol apologies about the lack of updates it’s certainly been a crazy year and with lots going on in the world and the fact we use our private Facebook group to keep members updated the updates on here have taken a back seat but we hope to get back to regular updates from here on. 

It’s all been going on here at the fishery as any of you who follow my YouTube vlogs #ivylodgevlog will know we had another addition to the family this year baby Toby was born in April in the middle of the Covid-19 lockdown which was a scary time for us all thankfully we got through it and Elaine and Toby are all doing really well. He has been out fishing already posing with his first carp at 5 months old lol. 

Unfortunately we had to close the NI Carp fishery for a few months with lockdown forcing us and the arrival of Toby we could not take any chances, but thankfully we are now back to some sort of normality (if there is such a thing anymore) and we would like to thank all our members and followers for supporting us through this time.

Back to the fishing front and it has been another great year for growth, we netted again in February which was a huge success as always and the fish have thrived over the last year once again.

Netting produced numerous mid doubles to 15lb and lots of back up 11/12’s which have been packing on the pounds since with fish to 16lb 8oz caught this year so far in fact this fish did 2lb in a month which is exceptional growth and it’s not over yet we expect to see a few surprises through autumn.

It’s not only the carp that have thrived we have had some big tench caught this year to 5lb 10oz and bigger have been caught but not weighed. Willow has also produced some cracking rudd and roach to just shy of 2lb which should make anyone’s day.

As I mentioned earlier we now have our YouTube channel which we update regularly with my own fishing vlogs (#ivylodgevlog) and other content that is happening around the fishery please subscribe to the channel and give the videos a like to be kept updated with the latest uploads.

Our hot food service is all back up and running also and is proving as popular as ever again thank you all for the support and remember to get your orders in the night before.

Looking to the future and we have just purchased our own nets so we will be attempting (probably catch nothing lol) to net ourselves from now on which should be an interesting and fun process to learn.

This is something that all fisheries should be doing on a regular basis to keep your bio-mass at a healthy level and hopefully a service we may offer in the future.

As normal during this process we will have fish for sale for the restocking market with carp ranging from a few oz, to 5/6lbs for sale as well as silver fish and tench please get in contact via email or phone for prices and availability.

I have also been branching out this year and have been out digging lakes for other people which has been a great learning curve and I was able to take what I have learnt here to provide a service to others.

We can provide all you need from the basic layout to planting and stocking. Anyone who is looking any advice or lake construction work undertaken please get in touch.

As you all know by now the fishery runs on a members and invitation only basis. Anyone who may be interested in joining please get in touch through email or give me a call.

Some of the best Ivy Lodge Carp, and others recorded this last year before and after Covid-19 Lockdown…….


Ivy Lodge Updates

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