Updates December 2013 – Merry Christmas Everyone!
Welcome to the December 2013 Ivy Lodge Carp Fishery catch reports and updates blog. We hope the blog will interest you and help to keep you up to date with what’s happening on the banks.
All Members please feel free to send us your pictures and catch reports and we’ll try to add them to the next monthly reports blog. As well as your reports we’ll be contributing our own catches from sessions too.
Please send your reports in an email to ivylodgecarpfishery@yahoo.co.uk with the email subject “Pictures” and add your pictures as JPEG attachments. We’ll do the rest…..
Ivy Lodge Continues To Produce Great Catches In December
The weather has been varied throughout December with heavy rain, gale force winds, frost and even the odd mild day and most anglers are still reporting fantastic fishing for the time of year with up 25 fish to 8lb being caught in a session.
Reported catches include David Wilkinson with bream and carp to 3 lb.
Chris and Craig Foulis catching plenty of fish throughout December up to 8 lb including ghost carp to 3 lb.
Fishery regulars Rab Willis, Willy O’Neil and Frankie Orr still catching plenty of carp up to 6 lb.
Best methods at this time of year seem to be the method feeder and pellet although float tactics and light feeding are still working well.
A special congratulations goes out to junior angler Sam Curran from Co Armagh and Ivy Lodge regular who was recently featured on a full page article in top Irish angling magazine “Irish Angler” thanks to his dad Derek capturing some of his best catches and sending them through!
Well Done Sam!!!
Irish Angler is the No.1 angling magazine in Ireland. It is unique among angling magazines in that it covers all types of fishing, trout, salmon, sea, pike and coarse angling.
So that ends a very productive year at Ivy Lodge Carp Fishery and with many anglers landing their first ever carp with many beating personal bests.
This is only the start of what is set to become one of the best carp fisheries in Ireland due to the increased stock levels and fast growing healthy fish.
We would like to wish all our members a very merry Christmas and we look forward to helping you all break more records and personal bests in 2014.